Example Complete Packages
Creating a complete budget for launching a new church or location can be a difficult task. Church On Wheels has put together some example packages to help with budgeting and to show what a complete system looks like.
Our complete turn key solutions include everything necessary to complete the conversion of a school cafeteria, gymnasium or movie theatre into a place of worship. These packages are listed in three main categories: Steward Packages, Complete Packages, and Multi-site Packages. These packages include: Heavy Duty carts, Audio, Lighting, Video, Staging, Signage, Hospitality, Children and Youth Ministry supplies.
Attention the information contained in the trailer packages below is provided as an example of what a package may contain. These packages have been put together by our staff consultants and while we are happy to provide them just as listed, we realize most churches have distinct needs. Church on Wheels sells custom tailored solutions to fit your needs based on location, type of ministry, personal preference, and available funding. For additional information on a custom trailer package please contact one our representatives.

The steward series of packages are budgeted from $20k to $40k and include a trailer.
The complete series of packages are for new church plants and are budgeted from $60k to $130K and include a full 24ft trailer.

The multisite series of packages are examples for churches that are recreating a worship experience across all locations, and have larger congregations from the beginning. These packages are from $80k and up in budget.